Monday, January 12, 2015


Bonsoir! I'm Jennifer, I'm 16 years old and now in grade 11.
For real, this isn't my very first blog because I've had several blogs before but I don't think they'd work out so I made this new--noveau--blog.
I really want to share things with others. Well, I'm an ordinary student but I have several activities aside from doing school works and hanging out with my friends just like every other 16 year olds. I play the violin--a lot,  that I'm going to music school when I'm graduated high school--but the odd thing is, I prefer pop music or techno to classical music. But somehow, I love music as much as I love my birthday, so I'm okay with it. Both Tchaikovsky and Afrojack are in my favorite music playlist. I'm also learning French by myself, and it's really fun! Actually I'm supposed to learn German because I dreamed to go to Germany or Austria to study music, but it seemed really hard to JUST become a student in one of the music schools there, yet becoming a professional player. So I chose to stay here in my country where there aren't much classical music player-and fans.
So welcome to my blog, and I promise you I'll keep posting whatever I find cool, and I guarantee, that would be a lot of art things. Enjoy!